
Here we provide a listing of our code.

This file contains the types for representing our Abstract Syntax Tree.

(* Constants *)
type const =
    | IntConst of int        (* integers *)
    | FloatConst of float    (* floats   *)
    | StringConst of string  (* strings  *)

(* Expressions *)
type exp =
    | VarExp of string              (* variables                *)
    | ConstExp of const             (* constants                *)
    | TermExp of string * exp list  (* functor(arg1, arg2, ...) *)

(* Declarations *)
type dec =
    | Clause of exp * (exp list)  (* Head :- Body. *)
    | Query of (exp list)         (* ?- Body.      *)

This file contains common functions needed throughout the program.

open Ast
open Parser

(* Takes a string s and returns the abstract syntax tree generated by lexing and parsing s *)
let parse s =
    let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string s in
        let ast = clause Lexer.token lexbuf in

(* Takes a string s and returns Some of an abstract syntax tree or None *)
let try_parse s =
    try Some (parse s) with
    | Error -> None

(* String conversion functions *)
let string_of_token t =
    match t with
    | INT    i -> "INT "      ^ string_of_int i
    | FLOAT  f -> "FLOAT "    ^ string_of_float f
    | STRING s -> "STRING \"" ^ String.escaped s ^ "\""
    | ATOM   a -> "ATOM \""   ^ String.escaped a ^ "\""
    | VAR    v -> "VAR \""    ^ v ^ "\""
    | RULE     -> "RULE"
    | QUERY    -> "QUERY"
    | PERIOD   -> "PERIOD"
    | LPAREN   -> "LPAREN"
    | RPAREN   -> "RPAREN"
    | COMMA    -> "COMMA"
    | PIPE     -> "PIPE"
    | EOF      -> "EOF"

let string_of_token_list tl =
    "[" ^ (String.concat "; " ( string_of_token tl)) ^ "]"

let string_of_const c =
    match c with
    | IntConst    i -> "IntConst "      ^ string_of_int i
    | FloatConst  f -> "FloatConst "    ^ string_of_float f
    | StringConst s -> "StringConst \"" ^ String.escaped s ^ "\""

let rec string_of_exp e =
    match e with
    | VarExp v   -> "VarExp \"" ^ v ^ "\""
    | ConstExp c -> "ConstExp (" ^ (string_of_const c) ^ ")"
    | TermExp (f, args) ->
        let func = String.escaped f in
            "TermExp (\"" ^ func ^ "\", [" ^
                (String.concat "; " ( string_of_exp args)) ^ "])"

let string_of_exp_list g =
    "[" ^ (String.concat "; " ( string_of_exp g)) ^ "]"

let string_of_dec d =
    match d with
    | Clause (e1, g) ->
        "Clause (" ^ (string_of_exp e1) ^ ", " ^
            (string_of_exp_list g) ^ ")"
    | Query g -> "Query (" ^ (string_of_exp_list g) ^ ")"

let string_of_db db =
    "[" ^ (String.concat "; " ( string_of_dec db)) ^ "]"

let string_of_subs s =
    "[" ^ (
        String.concat "; " (
                fun (x,y) ->
                    "(" ^ (string_of_exp x) ^ ", " ^ (string_of_exp y) ^ ")"
    ) ^ "]"

let string_of_unify_res s =
    match s with
    | None   -> "None"
    | Some l -> string_of_subs l

(* Convert ConstExp to a readable string *)
let readable_string_of_const c =
    match c with
    | IntConst    i -> string_of_int i
    | FloatConst  f -> string_of_float f
    | StringConst s -> "\"" ^ String.escaped s ^ "\""

(* Convert exp to a readable string *)
let rec readable_string_of_exp e =
    match e with
    | VarExp   v     -> v
    | ConstExp c     -> readable_string_of_const c
    | TermExp (s, l) ->
        s ^ (
            if List.length l > 0
            then "(" ^ (
                String.concat ", " (
           readable_string_of_exp l
            ) ^ ")"
            else ""

(* Print a db *)
let print_db db =
    print_endline (string_of_db db)

This file contains the code needed to evaluate our expressions.

open Ast
open Common

      * takes in:
      * returns a string of the increment of the counter
      * takes in:
      * returns unit and the counter is reset
let (fresh, reset) =
    let nxt = ref 0 in
    let f () = (nxt := !nxt + 1; string_of_int (!nxt)) in
    let r () = nxt := 0 in
    (f, r)

     * takes in:
         q - a list of exp
     * returns a list of all VarExp in the list
let rec find_vars q  =
    match q with
    | [] -> []
    | (x :: xs) -> (
        match x with
        | VarExp v -> x :: (find_vars xs)
        | ConstExp c -> (find_vars xs)
        | TermExp (s, el) -> (find_vars el) @ (find_vars xs)

     * takes in:
         q - a list of exp
     * returns a list of all VarExp as strings
let rec find_vars_string q  =
    match q with
    | [] -> []
    | (x :: xs) -> (
        match x with
        | VarExp v -> v :: (find_vars_string xs)
        | ConstExp c -> (find_vars_string xs)
        | TermExp (s, el) -> (find_vars_string el) @ (find_vars_string xs)

     * takes in:
         l - a list
     * returns the list reversed with only one copy of each element
  adapted from
let uniq l =
    let rec tail_uniq a l =
        match l with
        | [] -> a
        | hd :: tl ->
            tail_uniq (hd :: a) (List.filter (fun x -> (x <> hd) ) tl) in
            tail_uniq [] l

     * takes in:
         sub - a list of substitutions for variables
         g - a goal of type exp
     * returns the goal with the substitutions applied
let rec sub_lift_goal sub g =
    match g with
    | VarExp v -> (
        (* if this variable has a substitution do the substitution *)
        try let i = List.assoc g sub in i
        with Not_found -> VarExp v
    | TermExp (s, el) ->
        TermExp (s, (fun g1 -> sub_lift_goal sub g1) el)
    | _  -> g

     * takes in:
         sub - a list of substitutions for variables
         gl - a list of goals each of type exp
     * returns the list of goals with the substitutions applied to each goal
let sub_lift_goals sub gl = (fun g1 -> sub_lift_goal sub g1) gl

     * takes in:
         d - a dec type
     * returns a dec with all the variables in d renamed to fresh variable names
let rec rename_vars_in_dec d =
    match d with
    | Clause (h, b) ->
        let head_vars = find_vars [h] in
        let body_vars = find_vars b in
        (* find uniq vars from both head and body *)
        let vars = uniq (head_vars @ body_vars) in
        (* get fresh variable mappings *)
        let sub = (fun x -> (x, VarExp (fresh()))) vars in
        (* substitute new names for variables *)
        Clause (sub_lift_goal sub h, sub_lift_goals sub b)
    | Query (b) ->
        (* find uniq vars in query *)
        let body_vars = find_vars b in
        (* get fresh variable mappings *)
        let vars = uniq (body_vars) in
        let sub = (fun x -> (x, VarExp (fresh()))) vars in
        (* substitute new names for variables *)
        Query (sub_lift_goals sub b)

     * takes in:
         sargs - a list of exps
         targs - a list of exps
         c - a list of constraints where each constraint is of type (exp * exp)
     * returns a new list of constraints where c is prepended with each entry
       from sargs is paired with a corresponding entry from targs
       to make a new constraint
     * used for implementing decompose for unification
     * sargs and targs must be the same length, otherwise an exception is thrown
let rec pairandcat sargs targs c =
    match sargs with
    | [] -> (
        if (List.length targs = 0)
        then c
        else raise (Failure "sargs and targs should be the same length")
    | (s :: ss) -> (
        match targs with
        | (t :: ts) -> pairandcat ss ts ((s, t) :: c)
        |  _ -> raise (Failure "sargs and targs should be the same length")

     * takes in:
         c - a list of constraints where each constraint is of type (exp * exp)
         sub - a list of substitutions
     * returns a new list of constraints where the substitutions are applied to
       both sides of each constraint
let rec replace c sub =
    match c with
    | [] -> []
    | ((s, t) :: xs) ->
        (sub_lift_goal sub s, sub_lift_goal sub t) :: (replace xs sub)

     * takes in:
         n - a string
         t - an exp
     * returns true if n matches any variable names in t and false otherwise
let rec occurs n t =
     match t with
     | VarExp m -> n = m
     | TermExp (st, el) ->
        List.fold_left (fun acc v -> acc || (occurs n v)) false el
     | _ -> false

     * takes in:
         constraints - a list of constraints where each constraint
         is of type (exp * exp)
     * returns None if the constraints can't be unified,
       otherwise returns Some(i) where i is a list of substitutions
       that unify the constraints
let rec unify constraints =
    match constraints with
    | [] -> Some []
    | ((s, t) :: c') ->
        if s = t
        then unify c'  (* Delete *)
        else (
            match s with
            | VarExp(n) ->
                (* Eliminate *)
                if (occurs n t)
                then None
                else let sub = [(s,t)] in
                     let c'' = replace c' sub in
                     let phi = unify c'' in (
                        match phi with
                        | None -> None
                        | Some l -> Some ((s, sub_lift_goal l t) :: l)
            | TermExp (sname, sargs) -> (
                match t with
                (* Orient *)
                | VarExp k -> unify ((t, s) :: c')
                (* Decompose *)
                | TermExp (tname, targs) ->
                    if (tname = sname && List.length targs = List.length sargs)
                    then unify (pairandcat sargs targs c')
                    else None
                | _ -> None
            | _ -> (
                match t with
                (* Orient *)
                | VarExp k -> unify ((t, s) :: c')
                | _ -> None

     * takes in (all in a triple):
         q - a list of exp
         db - a list of dec
         env - a list of substitutions
               where each substitution is of type (exp * exp)
     * returns a list of lists of substitutions where each
       substitution is of type (exp * exp)
         - if the returned list is empty then no solutions were found for the
           query for the given db
         - otherwise, each element is a list of substitutions for one solution
           to the query with the given db
let rec eval_query (q, db, env) orig_vars =
    match q with
    | [] -> (
        (* no more subgoals to prove so finished *)
    | (g1 :: gl) -> (  (* have at least one more subgoal (g1) to prove *)
        let vars_list_string = (find_vars_string q)@orig_vars |> uniq in
        let env =
            List.filter (fun (v, _) ->
                match v with
                | VarExp elt -> List.exists (fun a -> String.equal elt a) vars_list_string
                | _ -> false
        match g1 with
        (* if goal is the true predicate *)
        | TermExp("true", []) -> (
          eval_query (
        (* if goal is some other predicate *)
        | TermExp(_,_) -> (
        (* iterate over the db *)
        List.fold_right (
            fun rule r -> (
                match (rename_vars_in_dec rule) with (* rename vars in rule *)
                | Clause (h, b) -> (
                    (* check if this rule can be used for this subgoal *)
                    match unify [(g1, h)] with
                    | Some s -> (
                        match unify (s@env) with
                        | Some env2 -> (
                            if (List.length b = 1)
                            then (
                                match b with
                                (* if the rule proved the subgoal (ie. rule was a
                                   fact) then recurse on remaining subgoals *)
                                | ((TermExp ("true", _)) :: ys) ->
                                    ((eval_query (
                                        sub_lift_goals s gl,
                                     ) orig_vars
                                     ) @ r)
                                (* if rule wasn't a fact then we have more
                                   subgoals from the body of the rule
                                   to prove *)
                                | _ -> ((eval_query (
                                    (sub_lift_goals s b) @ (sub_lift_goals s gl),
                                    ) orig_vars
                                ) @ r))
                                (* if rule wasn't a fact then we have more
                                   subgoals from the body of the rule
                                   to prove *)
                                ((eval_query (
                                    (sub_lift_goals s b) @ (sub_lift_goals s gl),
                                    ) orig_vars
                                ) @ r)
                        (* the substitution from unify the rule head and subgoal
                           doesn't unify with the environment gathered so far *)
                        | _ -> r
                    (* this rule's head doesn't unify with the subgoal *)
                    | _ -> r
                (* found a dec in the db that isn't a Clause *)
                |  _ -> r
          )) db [] )
        (* subgoal isn't a TermExp *)
        | _ -> eval_query (gl, db, env) orig_vars

     * takes in:
         e - a list of lists of substitutions where each
             substitution is of type (exp * exp)
         orig_query_vars - a list of uniq VarExps that appeared
                           in the original query
         orig_vars_num - number of uniq VarExps that appeared
                         in the original query
     * returns a string consisting of all substitutions of variables
       appearing in the original query of all solutions found and the
       word true if solution(s) were found and false otherwise
let string_of_res e orig_query_vars orig_vars_num =
   (* iterate over e for each solution *)
   List.fold_left (
        fun r2 env ->
        if orig_vars_num > 0
          "====================\n" ^
            (* iterate over original query vars to find their substitution *)
            (List.fold_left (
                 fun r d -> (
                   match d with
                   | VarExp v -> (
                     (* find variable substitution in the solution *)
                     try let f = List.assoc (VarExp v) env in (
                             match f with
                             | VarExp v2 ->
                                (v ^ " is free\n") ^ r
                             | _ ->
                                (v ^ " = " ^ (
                                   readable_string_of_exp f) ^ "\n") ^ r
                     with Not_found -> (v ^ " is free\n") ^ r)
                   | _ -> r
               ) "" (orig_query_vars) ) ^
              "====================\n"  ^ r2
        else "" ^ r2
     )  (if List.length e > 0 (* if e is empty then there were no solutions *)
         then "true\n"
         else "false\n")

     * takes in (all in a tuple):
         dec - a dec type
         db - a list of dec types
     * returns db prepended with dec if dec is not
       of the pattern TermExp("true",_) as we don't want users to be able
       to redefine the "true" atom
       otherwise, db is returned
let add_dec_to_db (dec, db) =
    match dec with
    | Clause (h, b) -> (
        match h with
        (* don't allow user to add a new definition of true *)
        | TermExp ("true", _) ->
            print_string "Can't reassign true predicate\n"; db
        | _ -> dec :: db
    | Query (b) -> (
        dec :: db

     * takes in (all in a tuple):
         dec - a dec type
         db - a list of dec types
     * evaluated the dec with the given db
       returns the original db in the case
       dec is a Query type
       otherwise returns db prepended with dec
let eval_dec (dec, db) =
    match dec with
    | Clause (h, b) -> add_dec_to_db (dec, db)
    | Query b -> (
        (* find all uniq VarExps in query *)
        let orig_vars = uniq (find_vars b) in
        let orig_vars_string = find_vars_string b |> uniq in
        (* find num of VarExps in query *)
        let orig_vars_num = List.length orig_vars in
        (* evaluate query *)
        let res = eval_query (b, db, []) orig_vars_string in
        (* print the result *)
        print_string (string_of_res (res) orig_vars orig_vars_num);
        (* reset fresh variable counter *)
        reset ();


This file defines the lexer.

    open Parser

    exception EndInput

(* Refer to:

   for a list of valid tokens *)

(* Character classes *)
let upper_case = ['A' - 'Z']
let underline = '_'
let lower_case = ['a' - 'z']
let digit = ['0' - '9']
let blank_space = [' ' '\t']
let end_of_line = '\n'
let atom_quote = '''
let string_quote = '"'
let line_comment = '%' [^ '\n'] *
let open_comment = "/*"
let close_comment = "*/"
let escape = '\\'

(* Groups of characters *)
let alphanumerical = upper_case | underline | lower_case | digit
let any_character = [' ' - '~']
let non_escape = any_character # ['\\']
let sign = ['+' '-']

(* Atoms *)
let atom = lower_case alphanumerical *
let octal = ['0' - '7']
let octals = octal octal octal
let hex = ['0' - '9' 'A' - 'F' 'a' - 'f']
let hexes = 'x' hex + escape

(* Numbers *)
let digits = digit +
let integers = sign ? digits
let floats =
      integers '.' digits (['e' 'E'] sign ? digits) ?
    | integers ['e' 'E'] sign ? digits
let inf = '+' ? digits '.' digits "Inf"
let neg_inf = '-' digits '.' digits "Inf"

(* Variables *)
let variable = (upper_case | underline) alphanumerical *

rule token = parse
    (* Meta-characters *)
    | [' ' '\t' '\n']   { token lexbuf }
    | eof               { EOF }

    (* Comments *)
    | line_comment      { token lexbuf }
    | open_comment      { comments 1 lexbuf }
    | close_comment     { raise (Failure "unmatched closed comment") }

    (* Atoms *)
    | atom as a         { ATOM a }
    | atom_quote        { atoms "" lexbuf }

    (* Numbers *)
    | integers as n     { INT   (int_of_string n)   }
    | floats   as f     { FLOAT (float_of_string f) }
    | inf               { FLOAT infinity            }
    | neg_inf           { FLOAT neg_infinity        }

    (* Strings *)
    | string_quote      { strings "" lexbuf }

    (* Variables *)
    | variable as v     { VAR v }

    (* Symbols *)
    | ":-"              { RULE      }
    | "?-"              { QUERY     }
    | '.'               { PERIOD    }
    | '('               { LPAREN    }
    | ')'               { RPAREN    }
    | ','               { COMMA     }
    | '['               { LBRACKET  }
    | ']'               { RBRACKET  }
    | '|'               { PIPE      }

and comments count = parse
    | open_comment      { comments (1 + count) lexbuf }
    | close_comment     { match count with
                          | 1 -> token lexbuf
                          | n -> comments (n - 1) lexbuf
    | eof               { raise (Failure "unmatched open comment") }
    | _                 { comments count lexbuf }

and strings acc = parse
    (* Consecutive strings are concatenated into a single string *)
    | string_quote blank_space * string_quote   { strings acc lexbuf }
    | string_quote                              { STRING acc }
    | non_escape # ['"'] + as s                 { strings (acc ^ s) lexbuf }
    | escape                                    { escaped strings acc lexbuf }

and atoms acc = parse
    | atom_quote                    { ATOM acc }
    | non_escape # ['''] + as a     { atoms (acc ^ a) lexbuf }
    | escape                        { escaped atoms acc lexbuf }

and escaped callback acc = parse
    | 'a'           { callback (acc ^ (String.make 1 (char_of_int   7))) lexbuf }
    | 'b'           { callback (acc ^ (String.make 1 (char_of_int   8))) lexbuf }
    | 'f'           { callback (acc ^ (String.make 1 (char_of_int  12))) lexbuf }
    | 'n'           { callback (acc ^ (String.make 1 (char_of_int  10))) lexbuf }
    | 'r'           { callback (acc ^ (String.make 1 (char_of_int  13))) lexbuf }
    | 't'           { callback (acc ^ (String.make 1 (char_of_int   9))) lexbuf }
    | 'v'           { callback (acc ^ (String.make 1 (char_of_int  11))) lexbuf }
    | 'e'           { callback (acc ^ (String.make 1 (char_of_int  27))) lexbuf }
    | 'd'           { callback (acc ^ (String.make 1 (char_of_int 127))) lexbuf }
    | escape        { callback (acc ^ "\\") lexbuf }
    | atom_quote    { callback (acc ^  "'") lexbuf }
    | string_quote  { callback (acc ^ "\"") lexbuf }
    | end_of_line   { callback acc lexbuf }
    | 'c' (blank_space | end_of_line) *     { callback acc lexbuf }
    | octals as o   { callback (acc ^ (String.make 1 (char_of_int (
                        int_of_string ("0o" ^ o))))) lexbuf }
    | hexes as h    { callback (acc ^ (String.make 1 (char_of_int (
                        int_of_string ("0" ^ (String.sub h 0 (
                            (String.length h) - 1))))))) lexbuf }

    (* Takes a string s and returns a list of tokens generated by lexing s *)
    let get_all_tokens s =
        let b = Lexing.from_string (s ^ "\n") in
            let rec g () =
                match token b with
                | EOF -> []
                | t -> t :: g () in
                    g ()

    (* Takes a string s and returns Some of a list of tokens or None *)
    let try_get_all_tokens s =
        try Some (get_all_tokens s) with
        | Failure _ -> None

This file contains the main interpreter program.

open Ast
open Common
open Lexer
open Parser
open Evaluator

(* Try to detect if something is getting piped in *)
let is_interactive = 0 = (Sys.command "[ -t 0 ]")

let _ =
    (if is_interactive
     then print_endline "\nWelcome to the Prolog Interpreter\n"
     else ()
    let rec loop db = (
        try (
            let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel stdin
            in (
                if is_interactive
                then (print_string "> "; flush stdout)
                else ()
            let dec = clause (
                fun lb -> (
                    match Lexer.token lb with
                    | EOF -> raise Lexer.EndInput
		    | r -> r
	    ) lexbuf
            (* evaluate dec and get a new db *)
            in let newdb = eval_dec (dec,db)
            in loop newdb (* loop again with new db *)
        (* exception raised *)
        | Failure s -> ( (* in case of an error *)
	    print_endline s;
            loop db
        | Parser.Error -> ( (* failed to parse input *)
            print_string "\nDoes not parse\n";
            loop db
        | Lexer.EndInput -> exit 0 (* EOF *)
        | _ -> ( (* Any other error *)
            print_string "\nUnrecognized error\n";
            loop db
    in (loop [])


This file defines the parser.

    open Ast

    (* The fact:
       is equivalent to the rule:
           Head :- true.
    let fact_sugar p =
        Clause (
            [TermExp ("true", [])]

    (* An atom can be regarded as a compound term with arity zero *)
    let atom_sugar a =
        TermExp (

/* Refer to:

   for a description of the grammar */

/* Tokens */

/* Constants */
%token <int> INT
%token <float> FLOAT
%token <string> STRING ATOM

/* Variables */
%token <string> VAR

/* Symbols */
%token RULE       /* :- */
%token QUERY      /* ?- */
%token PERIOD     /* .  */
%token LPAREN     /* (  */
%token RPAREN     /* )  */
%token COMMA      /* ,  */
%token LBRACKET   /* [  */
%token RBRACKET   /* ]  */
%token PIPE       /* |  */

/* Meta-characters */
%token EOF

/* Start symbols */
%start clause

/* Types */
%type <Ast.dec> clause
%type <Ast.exp> predicate term structure
%type <Ast.exp list> term_list predicate_list
%type <Ast.const> constant


    | p = predicate; PERIOD                             { fact_sugar p }
    | p = predicate; RULE; pl = predicate_list; PERIOD  { Clause (p, pl) }
    | QUERY; pl = predicate_list; PERIOD                { Query pl }

    | p = predicate                                     { [p] }
    | p = predicate; COMMA; pl = predicate_list         { p :: pl }

    | a = ATOM                                          { atom_sugar a }
    | s = structure                                     { s }

    | a = ATOM; LPAREN; RPAREN                          { atom_sugar a }
    | a = ATOM; LPAREN; tl = term_list; RPAREN          { TermExp (a, tl) }

    | LBRACKET; RBRACKET                                { TermExp ("empty_list", [])}
    | LBRACKET; l = list_body; RBRACKET                 { l }

    | t = term                                          { TermExp("list", [t; TermExp("empty_list", [])]) }
    | t = term; COMMA; l = list_body                    { TermExp("list", [t; l]) }
    | t = term; PIPE; tl = term                         { TermExp("list", [t; tl]) }

    | t = term                                          { [t] }
    | t = term; COMMA; tl = term_list                   { t :: tl }

    | c = constant                                      { ConstExp c }
    | a = ATOM                                          { atom_sugar a }
    | v = VAR                                           { VarExp v }
    | s = structure                                     { s }
    | l = list                                          { l }

    | i = INT                                           { IntConst i }
    | f = FLOAT                                         { FloatConst f }
    | s = STRING                                        { StringConst s }